Thursday, May 15, 2014

MIGS 2014 : 12 May 2014

Since dah setel biannual semalam and meeting SV pg td, so,boleh la update pasal MIGS.
Malaysia Indonesia Geopolymer Symposium buat sehari sahaja di PWTC. Actually 2 hari, tp yg hari 11 may tu xdpt jemputan pon dari organizer pasal workshop dengan Dr Temuujin.huhuuhu.frust jugak la bila check FB tgk organizer update gambar pasal workshop tu. mmg tentatif xdak include pasal workshop tu. maybe organizer x open utk org luar kot. just workshop utk student universiti tersebut kot.

Alkisah di pagi hari, tetiba dapat call dari my SV and she said she saw in the tentatif ,I have to present. but I check my email a day before I think there is no new email from the organizer. cuak jugak, tp dah pikir dah nk negotiate ngan organizer kata tak prepare.sebab short notis.lastly, mmg x kena present, organizer ikut list lama.selamaat.hahahhaha.

Pack jugak la symposium ni dalam sehari. ad 5 keynote speaker.orang2 hebat dalam geopolymer and concrete.

Dr Jadambaa Temuujin from Mongolian Academy of Sciences

Prof Dr Muhd Fadhil Nuruddin from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Prof Dr Ir Djwantoro Hardjito from Petra Chrisstian University Surabaya

Dr Ir Januarti Jaya Ekaputri from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia (Girl power!)

Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Ruslan Mohd Ridzuan from UITM

MIGS telah dirasmikan oleh YB Datuk Dr.Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah, Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi.. I like him because his speech got points and and  bila dia cakap ja mst asyik nak tergelak ja.hahahha.. and he also understand what researcher needs as he  was a lecturer before he become a politician..

launching ceremony

Pada sebelah petang, ad presentation from the selected paper.but there is no Q&A session.huhuuh.

"Adik,adik"' panggil seorang lecturer bertitle Dr. Eija berpaling ke belakang (dalam hati mmg perasan habis muda dah ni.hehe). He wanted to distribute the certificates.

group photo

Malaysia Indonesia Geopolymer Symposium 2015 will be held at Surabaya on 10th August 2015. If I still work with geopolymer, we can meet again! For all geopolymer researchers, please prepare your paper!heheh

Tq for the knowledge I gained!

berita dari utusan mengenai MIGS 2014 --> utusan
p/s;alamak lupa pulak nak tya macam mana nak join jadi member MyGeopolymer..


  1. bc sini, buat sy rindu time study dulu >_(

    salam singgah dr

    follow sini, kalau sudi follow sy k

    1. tu la,besttt zaman study ni,xbest bila byk nk kena buat paper and writing.huhuh

  2. Hebatlah Eija...daebak!! I'm pray 4 u :-)

    1. x hebat pon sis JM, dtg utk dgr ja.heheehe. tq for the dua', pls pray i can finish my master this year :)
